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Hong Kong Media Overseas raises concerns over alleged intimidation ahead of HKJA election

Hong Kong Media Overseas (HKMO) has raised concerns over intimidation tactics ahead of the Hong Kong Journalists Association’s (HKJA) election. Members allegedly received anonymous warnings of law enforcement infiltration.



Hong Kong Media Overseas (HKMO) has expressed significant concerns regarding the recent intimidation tactics allegedly used on the eve of the Hong Kong Journalists Association’s (HKJA) annual general meeting and general election.

Numerous members and former members reportedly received anonymous text messages warning of potential infiltration by law enforcement officers at the meeting and urging them to “keep their distance.”

This has been perceived as a direct challenge to Hong Kong’s legal framework and an affront to the city’s press freedom.

Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung responded to the situation by criticizing the HKJA, questioning its credibility and representativeness.

Tang went further to accuse the association of aligning with “black riots” and claimed that some executive committee candidates have financial links to the United States.

These remarks, however, have been met with regret and rebuttal from HKMO, which condemned the statements as unfounded and as deliberate attempts to discredit the HKJA.

HKMO emphasized that the HKJA, founded in 1968, is a longstanding trade union with an international reputation.

It is affiliated with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest federation of journalists’ unions, representing over 600,000 media workers from 187 organizations across 146 countries.

The IFJ, established in 1953, holds associate membership with UNESCO and represents journalists at the United Nations.

The allegations of intimidation and the subsequent remarks by Tang have raised concerns about the use of public power and the respect for trade union organizations and press freedom in Hong Kong.

HKMO urges the government and related organizations to acknowledge the HKJA’s historical and international significance and to ensure the protection of press freedom in the region.

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The security laws enacted by HK have international reach.Please do be very careful not to cross that fuzzy red line when comments are made.Who knows what would happen if you were to next step into. HK/CCP China .Do remember that foreign national of Chinese origin were arrested both in Thailand and sent uncover to CCP China.CCP have their “police” secretly station in almost all countries in ASEAN.Remember to take care when you post comments on HK/CCP China .

To avoid confusion or misunderstandings, … CommChina really ought to rename HK, especially to those whom are just disinterested with world news or have a misconception of communism, … or the most basic of adherence to the signing of a “supposed” binding contract, treaty or agreement in utmost good faith !!!

Anyways, … … … …………

We must acknowledge HK experienced almost unfettered freedom under British rule until China stepped in – the agreement to let HK be for 50 years after 1997 be damned. Sure the British benefitted from its control of HK and exploited HK’s resources. And personally I think the British don’t really care for the Hongkongers. But, to China this freedom posed a severe challenge to its rule and thus the Security Law. China, like most countries wouldn’t care too much about public perception so long as it achieves its goal. And I believe China has successfully tamed HK into submission. For… Read more »

This is another British failure like the State of Israel. The Hongkongers are supposed to have self rule until 2047. China is supposed to be responsible for its security not to be involved in Hong Kong’s governance. People suffer all over the world because of colonial powers.
