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36-year-old man apprehended attempting to smuggle 130kg of frozen meat through Johor Bahru checkpoint into Malaysia

In a bold smuggling attempt thwarted at Johor Bahru checkpoint, a 36-year-old man concealed 130kg of frozen meat in his car. MAQIS uncovered 120kg of pork and 10kg of beef, leading to the driver’s arrest for lacking essential permits, potentially facing a RM100,000 fine or six years’ imprisonment.




MALAYSIA: At approximately 7:30 pm on Wednesday (29 Nov), an intriguing incident transpired at the Johor Bahru checkpoint.

According to a report by Oriental Daily, a 36-year-old man endeavored to clandestinely transport an astounding 130kg of frozen meat in his car.

This attempt at smuggling was thwarted when vigilant officers, stationed at the checkpoint, decided to inspect the vehicle.

Upon searching the car, authorities uncovered a stash of frozen pork concealed in 12 boxes, amounting to a total of 120kg.

Additionally, another box was discovered, containing 10kg of frozen beef.

The cumulative weight of the illicit cargo hinted at a well-planned and potentially lucrative smuggling operation.

The Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS) played a pivotal role in exposing this illicit activity.

Acting on the tip-off, they intercepted the car entering Johor from Singapore.

What they expected to be a routine inspection quickly turned into a discovery of a significant attempt to breach quarantine and import regulations.

The pictures vividly display the contents of the car’s boot, packed meticulously in black garbage bags, presenting an unassuming appearance that belied the nature of the illicit goods.

smuggle meat

(Photo by Oriental Daily)

The visual evidence, with boxes and bags of frozen meat, speaks volumes about the audacity and creativity involved in such smuggling endeavors.

Driver’s lack of permit leads to seizure of illegally imported meat

Upon conducting a thorough search of the vehicle, checkpoint officers discovered a significant quantity of frozen meat concealed within the boxes.

The frozen goods were meticulously packed in plastic, raising suspicion about the nature of the cargo.

In total, the inspection yielded 12 boxes containing frozen pork, totaling a substantial weight of 120kg.

Additionally, one box was identified to hold 10kg of frozen beef.

The cumulative weight of 130kg hinted at a daring attempt by the driver to transport a considerable amount of meat, a quantity quite unusual for an individual traveler.

The estimated value of the seized meat was approximately RM2,000, equivalent to around US$430.

This revelation underscores the potential financial gains associated with illicit meat smuggling, creating a lucrative incentive for those willing to flout import regulations.

Under Malaysian law, the importation of animal products necessitates the possession of a valid permit, license, or certificate.

In this case, the driver failed to produce any of these essential documents, rendering his transportation of the meat illegal.

Acting in accordance with the law, the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS) promptly arrested the driver and seized the entire meat supply.

The gravity of the situation is further highlighted by the legal consequences the driver now faces.

If found guilty, the court has the authority to impose a fine of up to RM100,000 (US$21,461), a substantial penalty reflecting the seriousness of the offense.

Additionally, the potential for a jail sentence of up to six years further emphasizes the stringent measures in place to deter and punish those engaged in illegal activities related to the importation of animal products.

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I’m not sure why he is smuggling meat from Singapore into Malaysia. Perhaps he trusts meat from Singapore better than the ones sold in Malaysia?

It’s all the same anyway. Singapore does not have a meat industry (That I know of).
