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Singapore community for humanitarian causes renamed and restructured after police report filed

A solidarity cycling event was renamed to ‘Humankind Singapore’ and restructured as a recreational activity, following police intervention over concerns related to its original focus on supporting Palestinian humanitarian efforts



A Singaporean group’s plans for a solidarity cycling event have been significantly altered following police intervention. The event, originally organized by “Rivertoseasg,” was scheduled for 12th November at Kallang MRT, aiming to support an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and the provision of humanitarian aid.

The event’s goals included fostering connections among local individuals standing for humanity, encouraging peaceful and fact-based dialogues, and supporting organizations involved in Palestinian humanitarian efforts. However, a police report against the event led to the removal of its original promotional post and the original purpose of the cycling event.

The event was designed to foster connection and support for humanity through peaceful activities, facilitate healthy dialogues, and support credible organizations in their humanitarian efforts in Palestine.

In light of the situation, the organizer, “Zanna”, released a statement encouraging supporters to remain undeterred in their empathy and compassion.


Zanna wrote in the comments, “Our faith, empathy, humanity, and compassion did not begin here, and they will not end here… May our hearts remain soft yet strong, may we stay patient and sincere, and may we continue to be kind to one another and build the understanding and acceptance between us.”

Community reactions varied, with one individual expressing, “It’s ok. This didn’t come as a surprise to many of us Singaporean. I’m more than happy to hear the numbers of supporters for the event, for I know that Singaporeans do care and will continue to care for our dear brothers and sisters in Palestine.”

Another commenter found the situation disappointing but appreciated the organizer’s efforts, saying, “Truly disappointing that even such an event isn’t allowed. But thank you Zanna for organising this event regardless. The intention was pure.”

The sentiment of government disapproval was also echoed, with a commenter noting, “This is upsetting. We’re not upset at you but at the government. To be able to do this would have meant so much.”

Another individual highlighted the importance of community and voice, stating, “Appreciate you stepping up in organizing this event for the community whose hearts are collectively broken with the ongoing injustice. But our voices will not be suppressed and we will continue speaking up.”

Many highlighted the importance of such events for solidarity and awareness, while voicing their continued support for the Palestinian cause.

In a recent update, the organizer noted that after discussions with the Singapore Police, the cycling group was advised to change its name due to its politically charged nature. Consequently, the event has been renamed to “Humankind Singapore” (humankindsg) and will now function solely as a physical support group.

The organizer, adhering to legal obligations, expressed their sorrow but emphasized the importance of participant safety, “Fellow humankind, this comes with a heavy heart, and I’m sorry. But I am bounded by the law, and it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of all participants.”

The revised cycling event on 12th November will proceed, but strictly as a recreational activity, without any direct association to the Israel-Palestine issue.

The acts of solidarity across the globe comes against the backdrop of increasing international concern over the Palestinian situation. The United States recently expressed alarm over the rising Palestinian death toll in the Gaza Strip, where over 11,000 casualties have been reported following an Israeli bombardment, a retaliation to the 7th October attack by Hamas, which resulted in 1,200 civilian deaths in Israel-occupied territories.

Local authorities, including the Police and the National Parks Board, have imposed restrictions on events and public assemblies related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Citing substantial public safety and security concerns amidst escalating international tensions, these measures aim to prevent potential unrest or conflict on Singaporean soil, further complicating the efforts of local groups to engage in humanitarian advocacy.

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From the KALLANG river to the C?????
Sinies FAKED concern for the JEWS, just to be in the mainstream of the OPPRESSORs!!!!

Do you people even understand what “from the river to the sea” means? Are you truly advocating that there be no Israel, no Jews from the river ( River Jordan) to the Mediterranean sea??! Are you for driving Jews out and away from their historic homeland? Isn’t this antisemitism? Are you supporting antisemitism?

Palestinians cry for humanitarian help. hmmmm did anyone heard any condemnations for Hamas? hmm Let me think…

Who started it all ……

The organiser is riding on this war and on the side of the Populist propaganda for personal gains. River to the Sea, its a call by islamic extremists to totally demolish Jews from Middle East. And yet the organiser call this humanity, a horrible person. For those unsure, checkout the real history and how both sides fight the war. Liberate Palestine from Hamas. Don’t just support because its anti PAP and the authorities.

Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Go watch Channel News Asia. Thank you

People should be allowed to express their support for global issues. No man is an island. Shanmugam is living in the Dark Ages in Rideout.
