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About 300 Singaporean civil servants interdicted in past decade, reveals Chan Chun Sing

Over the last ten years, approximately 300 Singaporean civil servants were interdicted from duty, with varying conditions and pay scales during their suspension, revealed Minister-in-charge of Public Service, Mr Chan Chun Sing in response to parliamentary questions posed by Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Ms Hazel Poa.



SINGAPORE: Over the past decade, approximately 300 civil servants have been interdicted from their duties, revealed Minister-in-charge of Public Service, Mr Chan Chun Sing.

Addressing parliamentary questions posed by Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Ms Hazel Poa on 3 October, he detailed the conditions under which these interdictions occurred.

According to interdiction records, 10% of these individuals were immediately interdicted without pay due to established misconduct.

Around 30% started on half-pay and later transitioned to no-pay. The remaining 60% have records of only half-pay interdictions. The reasons varied from ongoing internal investigations, pending court cases, inconclusive wrongdoing, and resignation.

In her inquiry, Ms Poa sought clarity on the range of salaries for suspended civil servants on reduced pay. Additionally, she asked for a breakdown of the number of civil servants suspended on various pay grades since 2000 and the criteria for no-pay suspension.

Responding on behalf of the Prime Minister, Mr Chan, who also serves as the education minister, cited the Public Service (Disciplinary Proceedings) Regulations.

He highlighted that interdiction is not a disciplinary penalty. Officers are typically placed on half-pay during investigations, with a salary range of $1,200 to $8,500 per month.

Those found guilty by relevant authorities can then be placed on no-pay, potentially culminating in their dismissal.

In certain cases, officers initially on half-pay can transition to no-pay if found guilty by the courts, especially in situations involving the police or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.

In a related event on 19 September, the Singapore Parliament dismissed a motion presented by Ms. Poa.

This motion, endorsed by PSP NCMP and Secretary-General Leong Mun Wai, sought the suspension of Transport Minister S. Iswaran from his parliamentary duties for the duration of the 14th Parliament’s current session due to ongoing investigations by the CPIB.

The motion aimed to freeze Mr Iswaran’s MP allowance of S$192,500 per year while he refrained from his official MP tasks.

However, the House, predominantly represented by the People’s Action Party (PAP), alongside the Workers’ Party, supported a counter-motion by the Leader of the House, Indranee Rajah. She proposed addressing concerns about Minister S. Iswaran only post the investigation’s conclusion.

During the intense debate, Ms Poa emphasised fiscal responsibility and the potential financial implications of a suspended MP’s continued full allowance, especially if found guilty later. She clarified that the PSP’s proposal was designed to be fair, allowing retroactive payments if Mr. Iswaran is cleared.

Ms Poa argued her motion focused on the prudent use of taxpayer money rather than prematurely declaring guilt. She accentuated the unique circumstances of this case as a basis for suspending the PAP MP.

As the investigations persist, Minister S. Iswaran continues to draw a monthly ministerial salary of S$8,500 and an MP salary of S$16,000, despite his suspension from ministerial duties.

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There was a rental guide price of the Ridout Bungalow rents set up by SLA which was quite accurately arrived at by the renters.

Was this 300 a kind of a expected target 🎯 too based on past, as a guide?

Shanti must be the first realm gold star and Tin pei ling must be their 2nd realm star. No?!? Gold star used for shooting so shooting begins… no?!?

Ah Beng, where you pluck these magical numbers from? Also is there any substance in what you’re trying to feed us just to protect your kaki? We all think that PAP is the arbiter of BS!

Especially the Lee Empire, Teo Empires and some Oppo empire like WP and PSP. So many empires just wanna spawn their own girls and then pretend to enroll you in for their own agenda. I have ZERO interest in ur empire affairs club!!!

I repeated I have no interest in any empires who only make use of others for their end! No standing no morals except their empire bloody expansion and no qualms to enslave others to solve their injustice problems!!!!!

Kaki civil servant still have pay wor … are they informed or blacklisted on ur back end. So is my case interdicted or hang in the air due to political reasons or can switch here and there depending on the Empires. Pui! Leaders with no morals and honor!!!!!!

Ohviously trying to use such numbers as an excuse to pay that scum $8500 per month from tax payers money.
They say they will crawl back the amount paid if…just if, that scum bag gets convicted but you know ,I know in a ownself check ownself system, this ain’t going to happen. More so for the MP pay to him!


CB (cuckoo bird) tells me: Isn’t it time to re-write the books?
1) MP’s should work and serve full time when they are drawing tax payer’s salaries?
2) HDB flats are meant for staying. Isn’t it time to stop all Lessees from renting out the WHOLE HDB flats?

Thank you CB !

As usual, half-truths from the monkeys. Sia Suay Chan should at least tell the public 300 out of how many civil servants used as the base – 300 out of (say) 1000 top servants is different from 300 out of 1,000,000 total servants hor. Failed PSLE level real-life maths can become MOE minister, hor?

Works out at approximately 30 per year, … every year !!!

Looks like this regime’s civil service arm has the very same due diligence and scrutinisation issues and inefficiencies, … as Temasek and of course the islands banking system, as recent events have highlighted !!!

The rot from the top has taken root, … and is now, an ever present factor and feature of SillyPore !!!

Once a civil servant is relieved of his duties, the salaries have to stop. It is unfair for taxpayers as the money paid to those who are convicted will not be paid back to State coffers. So we are made suckers. Iswaran should resign like TCJ.

You sure it is only 300?

Apparently doesn’t apply to the million$ ministers – as long as they are “not corrupted”, but damn incompetent, if they failed in one ministry or post, they are simply rotated into another ministry to “try again”. Where got sacked or pay cut, hor?
