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Shanti Pereira makes history with silver win at 19th Asian Games

In a thrilling turn of events, Shanti Pereira clinched silver in the women’s 100m final at the 19th Asian Games, marking Singapore’s first medal in athletics at the Games since 1974. A close finish saw Pereira narrowly miss gold, highlighting her rising stature in the sprinting world.



HANGZHOU, CHINA: History was made on Saturday (30 Sep) when Shanti Pereira became Singapore’s first Asian Games medallist in athletics since 1974, clinching silver in the electrifying women’s 100m final at the 19th Asian Games.

The race, which seemed firmly in Pereira’s grasp, saw a late surge by Ge Manqi of China.

Although the Singaporean sprinter commanded the race from the start, Ge managed a last-moment dash, winning in a tight 11.23 seconds. Pereira, only 0.04 seconds behind, clocked in at 11.27 seconds.

The big screen replay showcased how tantalizingly close Pereira was to a gold medal. Her evident disappointment was palpable to all in attendance.

However, her spirits seemed to lift when she realized her silver win – humorously looking for a Singapore flag to celebrate with, only to resort to pointing at the one on her kit.

Bronze was a tight competition, but Bahrain’s Hajar Saad Alkhadi narrowly secured it, edging out Thailand’s Supanich Poolkerd.

The road to the final wasn’t straightforward for Pereira. Despite finishing sixth in Friday’s heats, her time of 11.42s earned her a spot in the finals due to being the fastest outside the top automatic qualifiers. This marked a significant improvement from 2018 when she couldn’t progress past the heats.

In the run-up to the Games, the 27-year-old Pereira has been in blistering form, boasting the fastest time of any Asian woman in the 100m for 2023, until Ge surpassed it in the heats a day earlier.

Pereira’s achievements this year also include being the first Singaporean woman to clinch both 100m and 200m titles at the SEA Games. Her winning spree continued with a sprint double at the Asian Athletics Championships in July.

Further cementing her position as a rising star, Pereira’s performance in Budapest last month marked her as the first Singaporean to reach a World Championships semi-final, specifically in the 200m. She’s also made her mark for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Now, all eyes will be on Pereira as she sets her sights on the 200m heats on Sunday. With her current momentum, expectations are high for another stellar performance.

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She will send the right signal to the cotton and pineapple lovers to think carefully over importing “talents to represent Singapore. What do you think?

ET, Mee Siam Mai hum will invite Shanti to White House to claim some glory ? . tsk tsk tsk

CB (cuckoo bird) ask me a question: Do you think imported China table Tennis players will be loyal to you or China to win the Olympic Gold Medal for you. Any comments?

Thank you CB !!!

Damn freaking sickening to try linking this to politics.

If Shanti can replicate her 22.70 secs, she should win the gold.

Singapore needs more good news to counter the bad news we have been receiving lately courtesy of our vaunted government

Congratulations Shanti. Wish you the best. I have some concerns but hope I am wrong.

Why dun create Star policies where the mass benefit? That will be for the people and future generations.

Unlike policies that empower women where sexual deviants are labelled in a registry to protect women from sexual predators. That is mass empowerment for all women.

Do you see the Richest Club have more than 10 Shanti to show? No, only One. Where is the mass blessings to benefit not just the winner?!? But the other side of the isles, they say must benefit the rest so all tom dick and harry will join the mass “entity” side and show they are the best. All from empire side winning. Rigged system is a rigged system. To judge you, to benefit from you. Losing at both ends. You still can’t see it!

Do PAP proud Shanti

Frankly, I thought the gold was Shanti’s to lose. She was a bit sluggish at the end. The Chinese girl was more “desperate”.

Moreover, the Chinese girl lost to Shanti at the Asian Athletic Championships. This was her “revenge”

But still, well done to Shanti!

She should win gold in the 200m as this is “her” distance.

Good for individuals achieving their personal best, but how does all this address the burden of Singaporeans in the ever increasing cost of living, our low birthrate, the increased suicide cases, our losing competitiveness, kayu leadership, etc.?

Propaganda is indeed the amplification of least significant (or even fake) events to drown out the real issues at hand.

Well Done Shanti !!! Congratulations. You were so close to that gold. 4 secs short. Wish you all the best for your upcoming 200m race. I am sure you will do better.
