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East Asia Forum issued POFMA correction notice over claims on Singapore’s governance

Under instructions from Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore’s POFMA Office issued a correction directive to the East Asia Forum.

This was over “false statements” concerning the independence of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s approach to parliamentarian affairs.



Singapore’s Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office has issued a correction direction to the Australia-based academic website, East Asia Forum, on Wednesday (12 Sep).

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ms Indranee Rajah had ordered the directive in response to assertions made in an article titled “A spate of scandals strikes Singapore,” penned by Dr Ying-Kit Chan of the National University of Singapore.

PMO highlighted that the article contained “false statements” concerning the independence of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s methodology in addressing extramarital affairs among parliamentarians.

Originating from the Australian National University, the East Asia Forum’s content is peer-reviewed and undergoes “checks for factual accuracy”, as affirmed on their website.

The PMO’s clarification on Singapore’s government website, “Factually” detailed several points:

  1. The article allegedly claimed Mr Lee “conflated marital infidelity and corruption.” Refuting this, the PMO stated: “This is untrue and Mr Lee did not conflate the issues.” The PMO also pointed out that “Any concurrent mention of both the CPIB investigations and extramarital affairs related only to the close proximity of the timing in which the incidents were made public, and not the substance of these incidents.”
  2. Addressing the PMO’s stance on corruption versus personal misconduct, it was reiterated that the government “took different approaches towards allegations of corruption or other wrongdoing in the discharge of official duties on the one hand, and cases involving misconduct in personal lives on the other hand.”
  3. On the independence of CPIB, the PMO highlighted that the article “conveys that CPIB is not independent in deciding whether to carry out investigations because it reports directly to the Prime Minister alone.” The PMO explained: “CPIB, like all other agencies, has to be accountable to somebody. A state agency cannot operate without any oversight or governance.”
  4. The article is also said to have alluded to a potential cover-up involving former finance minister Richard Hu’s discussion with Mr. Lee and founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew regarding property acquisitions. The PMO clarified, “This matter was openly debated in Parliament in 1996,” and no wrongdoing was found in the subsequent investigation by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
  5. Addressing claims of a cover-up involving Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean’s inquiry into bungalow rentals by ministers, the PMO stated: “CPIB did conduct an investigation and found no evidence of corruption or wrongdoing.”

Closing their statement, the PMO advised, “We advise members of the public not to speculate and/or spread unverified rumours,” emphasizing the article’s “false and misleading statements while omitting key facts on these matters of public interest.”

The East Asia Forum is required to post a correction notice at the top of the article, on their main webpage, and on related Facebook entries. However, as of the time this article was published, no notice has appeared in the required locations.

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It seems that particular East Asia publication is written by some doctorate holder from the renowned Princeton university, supposedly also attended by some of those pap sycophants, but who failed to earn any doctorate. The allegedly offending (truth) publication is also peer reviewed by well established academics worldwide. Is indranee a doctorate holder or even an academic? Is her pofma publication also peer reviewed? I’m sure her pofma is peer reviewed, by the same millionaires pap sycophantic peers, that is. No credibility indranee, you have zero credibility!

Seem this East Asia struck a nerve with the crooks in power. So much so they had to get this harridan to head the charge for them. Which of course we all know the outcome especially from an entity that doesn’t operate in SG or are bound to their threats and tantrums.
EA will give you the middle finger and tell you to sit on it.

The lawyers in the PAP truly make a mockery of the Law. All should first learn the meaning of Conflict of Interests. Secondly, they should learn that there should be Separation of Powers for a State to be run with ethics, integrity and proper governance. CPIB, ED, the AGC should all be separated from the PMO’S office. They must have separate powers. CPIB, should have the power to even arrest the PM if corrupt practices are discovered. There must be separate branches of the State that run independently from a ruling govt. Every branch under the PMO means he is… Read more »

Indranee should pofma Assoc Prof Chan for not telling the whole truth about iswaran’s arrest and bail. Quoting from pm’s “judgement call”, following iswaran’s arrest and bail and denied work as an MP and minister, the pm still decided to pay him S$8500 plus almostvS$17,000 per month – that’s more than 25 k dollars monthly for not working while being arrested for corruption! Who says corruption doesn’t pay in Singapore??? Who can forget Mas Selamat escape scandal? Who can forget Lee hsien looney’s first ever public riots of little India riots when police ran away from rioters instead of protecting… Read more »

It is a good thing for the public to b updated on the progress of the case of alleged corruption involving the transport minister, S Iswaran.

Thanks for the free advertisement indranee. Now where can I access this truthful, peer reviewed writing? I want to share and spread the pofmaed writing too. The more they pofma , the more we are dying to read them.

Everybody knows, and it’s plain to see. Indranee is in denial despite the clear writing on the wall. Perhaps the pap’s past decades of practising conflicts of interests have totally blinded these pap ministers and mps. The piper plays whatever the paymaster pays the piper. Under which office does this corrupt piper belong? Consequently which office writes this piper’s performance , pays his salaries,bonuses…and only heaven knows what else is paid to the piper! Will the Aussie show her the willy instead?

Each time an article was POFMAed, I would pay more attention to reading it.

Now, I bookmarked the East Asia Forum in my media reading.

My interest in POFMAed articles is to see how the PAP government cover the truth with its own lies.

86% voted against Change.
It’s a hopeless case at least in all our life times. No Change is Possible.

It’s no less different, to the RidOut pair demanding that HY publishes a statement cum apology, … … with the pair’s chosen words/wording !!! It’s always been about this government’s version and narrative, issit not, and, … … with POFMA, it enabled/entitled them to be “legal” with it !!! Interesting bit is, … as there’s more scandal and shit involving this government, there’ll be more reporting from outside the “state tools”, … and more POFMA’s issued as “unshackled” journalists views black and white matters and bungalows, … … objectively, equitably and hence, differently as to the self~anointed “arbiters of truth”… Read more »
