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Public skepticism on China’s role in Singapore’s S$1.8 billion arrests: Beyond Shanmugam’s denials

While Minister K Shanmugam denies external influence in the S$1.8 billion money laundering arrests, the public remains skeptical. The intertwined timelines, significant Chinese connections, and coincidental events provide ample grounds for suspicion over China’s potential involvement, despite official reassurances



Singapore’s role as a major financial hub often places it under scrutiny regarding the movement of vast sums of money, both legitimate and questionable.

The startling island-wide arrests of ten foreign nationals, connected to a staggering S$1.8 billion money laundering case on 15 August, have indisputably jolted the city-state.

At the crux of the debate is timing. The Minister of Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, clarified in an interview with the Chinese newspaper, Lianhe Zaobao, that the investigation and subsequent arrests weren’t influenced by external events, particularly China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit on 10 August.

Mr Shanmugam noted that the investigation had spanned several months. The police had diligently traced illicit activities within Singapore and abroad, identified the culprits, and scrutinized the fund flows.

Earlier, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) emphasized that prior intelligence and data from suspicious transaction reports (STRs) submitted by Singaporean financial institutions (FIs) had alerted the CAD to potential irregularities in the financial sector.

Conversely, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) indicated its investigation began based on tips about alleged illegal activities, particularly those centred on the use of counterfeit documents to trace the origins of funds in Singaporean bank accounts.

Subsequent thorough investigations, strengthened by intelligence and review of STRs, pinpointed a group of foreign nationals under suspicion of money laundering.

These funds are believed to have originated from their international organized crime ventures, ranging from scams to online gambling.

Mr Shanmugam highlighted the complexity of concluding such intricate investigations swiftly, pointing out that those familiar with such endeavours would understand the effort and time required.

Yet, the events appear somewhat coincidental, leading the public to speculate.

For example, all the accused originate from Fujian, China. This shared origin, combined with other specifics, paints a compelling picture.

Consider Vang Shui Ming, a 42-year-old Turkish national from Fujian. Singaporean authorities seized assets from him, including an astonishing S$962,000 in cash from his home.

There’s also the notable acquisition of luxurious properties, such as the purchase of 20 units at CanningHill Piers for S$85 million just a year prior to the arrests.

The Business Times, in August 2021, detailed Su Haijin’s acquisition of two adjoining bungalows at Sentosa Cove, totalling a reported S$36.37 million.

As for Su Haijin’s brother, Su Baolin, assets worth over S$130 million were seized from him and his spouse. Notably, Su Baolin paid S$39.33 million for a Sentosa Cove bungalow with a sea view in April 2021.

Chinese authorities had reportedly sought Vang and his brother, Wang Shuiting for his involvement in a group developing and maintaining profit-oriented gambling platforms.

Another individual, Su Yongcan, also arrested, is sought by Chinese authorities for his ties to a 2017 gambling syndicate.

Su Haijin, with S$4.06 million in a UOB account, is alleged by the prosecution to have funds stemming from illegal remote gambling offenses.

The pressing question remains: Did China share this information with Singapore? If so, when?

A Twitter post by Vanessa Gao on 16 August claimed that Singapore’s Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) had covertly established a task force about three months prior.

This team was said to have focused on the dealings of these Fujian-origin foreign nationals, tracing covert transactions via Citibank linked to gambling and narcotics.

It’s still a matter of debate as to whether Singapore’s authorities had been surveilling these individuals even before this period, given how the ten arrested had managed to move over S$1.8 billion of assets more than a year before investigations were supposedly initiated.

Linking these elements with Gao’s enigmatic tweet about an impending visit from a team of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security on 21 August, it crafts a story hard for the typical Singaporean to dismiss.

Although Mr Shanmugam refutes foreign meddling in the apprehensions, given the timeline of occurrences and the undeniable connections to China, it’s evident why some Singaporeans sense a deeper narrative.

As the court proceedings progress and fresh facts come to light, the storyline might shift. However, for now, public doubt, anchored in the maze of events and timings, stands warranted.

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Even if it was China’s tip, would Sham admit?
I guess the answer is a clear NO, rite?

comment image

haha. is Zombie Lee gonna rise from grave and ISA him for commie marxist CONSIPIRACY?!?!

dun POMF MA me hor. you suck less commie cocks, maybe people will believe u more. people’s ACTION party must show ACTION amirite?

If there’s no intel or info, will the resource-starved police be able to spread wide its net? Intel is everything, so don’t try bullshitting us. We weren’t born yesterday. Do you suppose our drug enforcement agency can nab a huge haul without Intel or collaboration with another agency or country? Maybe its Wang, maybe it’s a phone call, or email or a whistleblower? Maybe just like how the whistleblower got iswaran and obs into this corruption fiasco? Pap-er cannot wrap fire, haven’t you heard?

The primary focus to FIX the OPPOSITION is showing it’s ill results – the RUINING of Singapore gradually seen descending into an abyss when more pressing issues of national importance of
– improving work productivity,
– reducing costs of living,
– raising birth rates,
– enhancing the quality of lives of citizens,
– reducing reliance on foreigners assistance in shaping Singapore:
ALL SHARPLY DEFOCUSED by useless power hungry politicians constantly OWNSELF PRAISING OWNSELF in lieu of motivating citizens TO UNITE in Nationalism to make SG better.

Given the track record, everyone will doubt the PAP system. GCB bungalows, KOM stern warnings, now these Fujian fugitives. You mean to say the government had no idea of their lucrative operations all this time? I mean they’d pin point the exact location of a critic in 1 hour and have that person behind bars in no time but it’s just hard to believe their radar was in sleep mode for this case. Plus, there would’ve had someone on the privy side to accommodate all this transactions be it MAS or some governing institution. I find his explanation just incredible.

Wash ah…..wash ahh…song ah….so much money passing thru and got time can rent out own GCB and rent B&W plalaces below market rent ah…..double…triple SONG AH!😆😆😆😆😆

The Maze of these fundings, spending and creating the aforesaid ‘economy’ for Singapore amounted to millions for the island is ‘astonishing to state the least. For years the underground net work seemingly did not surface for the sharp of eyes of the regulators, or instead, the wanting to the off load the huge spending that benefited the island’s GDP is more important than been clean’ of doubts? Surely China can and must insist the return of these monies, and as for the small island, the party stopped and see if the next round for the many benefitting shops that churn… Read more »

Coming from the “recuse,” whose wife signed the Tenancy Agreement, is there any credibility in what he says? He can talk as much as he wants, who believes him?

Approved by 70% voters.
PAP cannot do anything wrong
Believe and trust the PAP.
Integrity, honesty, sincerity, and very transparent.
Dont believe the 30%

ha! ha! ha!

Those irresponsible guys from the Pappy ‘s establishment are “sleeping 😴😴😴 on the job.More of similar money laundering “business” will be leaked from that overflowing “carpet”Let’s wait and see what will happen in the near future 😠😠

I would says this is not a FAILURE but an EPIC FAILURE. They could operate under their nose for so long and now they have long nose just like Pinocchio to try to wriggle their way out, putting blame on this and that.

Imagine if this was a terrorist attack. What excuse can they give? Nothing is foolproof? But when coming to paying themselves, they are the best of the best. Or they could blame on hindsight. Remember Mas Salamat escape.


Multiple point of Corruption. Where the Billion will go to? Now Reverse engineered. Left pocket to Right pocket. Are the money printed legit?!? Over printed. Will never hear any details ….

C’mon, how many years have the Fujian gang being operating on the island, … and the city state being privy and participant to all of them multi~million dollar transactions and odd property purchases !!!

Similar undertones to 1Mdb really, … where the sums were much much bigger and the island’s investigative arm/s only sprang into action, after DOJ’s actions and statement !!!

SillyPore and it’s conceited government would not have cotton on to both events above, … but for “foreign intervention/instigation” !!!

They’re just, … not that clued up, not in their ivory towers and black and white bung-galows !!!

… Mr Shanmugam highlighted the complexity of concluding such intricate investigations swiftly, pointing out that those familiar with such endeavours would understand the effort and time required...”


Yes, look at the KOM case. Our investigative agencies under Shanmi couldn’t find sufficient evidence to persecute the 6 directors. Yet overseas investigative agencies (US/Brazil) can find evidence to slap Keppel with a 422m fine.

Kayu say Kayu, lah.

SG origin stories with original themes, are beginning to become best sellers overthrowing more reputable world media attracting world readership gradually, but denials still, seems to sell more credibility among local sheep readership.

The twisted tales of B&W rental innocences morphing into what transpired, into chapters of intrigues, overseen by the Chief, coalescing into a best seller Mcgraw Hill Publication Spy Thriller – certainly beats Agatha Christie’s reputation anytime flat.
Anyone disagree.
