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7 tons of hazardous biomedical waste left stranded in Riau’s residential area

A failed delivery attempt of medical B3 waste from Natuna Regional General Hospital (RSUD Natuna) has led to 7 tons of waste being stranded in dump trucks in a Natuna residential area in the Riau Islands Province . The waste will now be transported using a chartered ship.



INDONESIA: A shipment of seven tons of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) biomedical waste from Natuna Regional General Hospital (RSUD Natuna) has been left stranded in a residential area on Jalan Hang Tuah, Air Lakon, Ranai, Natuna Regency, in the Riau Islands Province, due to a failed delivery attempt.

The waste was initially intended to be transported in stages to Batam, but plans changed, and it was to be shipped all at once. The medical waste, packaged in three container dump trucks, was scheduled for delivery on 15 August, but the transport was cancelled.

Dr Ari Fajarudi, the Director of RSUD Natuna, explained that a technical change in the waste disposal process was the reason behind the failed shipment.

The waste had been collected from the waste storage facility in early August, and the necessary documentation for transportation had been completed. However, due to the alteration in the transportation process, the waste remained stored in the dump trucks in the Air Lakon area.

33 tons of biomedical hazardous and toxic waste is stored at the Temporary Storage Facility for Hazardous and Toxic Materials (TPS – B3) of Natuna Regency General Hospital located on Ali Murtopo Street, Ranai Kota, Natuna, Riau Islands. (Photo: the documentary of ANTARA)

“So, the waste hasn’t been sent yet. Everything is still here in Natuna due to the technical changes in transportation. The waste is still in the dump trucks, and now they are placed in the Air Lakon region,” said Dr Ari on Monday.

Upon receiving instructions from RSUD Natuna, PT Berkah Cendekia Lestari, the contracted waste transporter, immediately secured the three dump trucks in the RSUD waste storage facility.

Dr Ari explained that currently, there is a total of 42 tons of medical B3 waste still present in Natuna. The remaining 7 tons, once scheduled for delivery, will now be transported out of the area using a chartered ship, authorized for waste transportation.

He clarified, “So, a total of 42 tons of B3 waste is still here in Natuna because the 7 tons haven’t been sent yet. They will be transported out of the region using a chartered ship with the necessary transportation permits.”

In the past, Natuna’s Regional Health Center attempted to dispose of 33 tons of accumulated medical waste dating back to 2007. However, due to infrastructure, facility, and cost constraints, the disposal efforts were unsuccessful.

The Natuna Regency Government allocated a budget of Rp1.4 billion for the disposal of RSUD and Public Health Center (Puskesmas) biomedical B3 waste in Natuna under the 2023 Regional Budget (APBD).

The waste disposal project was auctioned approximately five months ago and was scheduled to take place over a span of 150 working days.

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