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Controversial comedian Jocelyn Chia allegedly disowned by father on Twitter

Recently, an alleged Twitter account of Jocelyn Chia’s father declared disownment of the comedian, expressing disappointment in her actions.

Jocelyn responded, denouncing the account as ‘fake,’ leaving uncertainty about her parents’ support for her controversial joke about Malaysia.



MALAYSIA: Recently, a Twitter account claiming to be Jocelyn Chia’s father posted a message, stating that he has disowned the controversial comedian.

The tweet was made on Anthony Chia Whye Liang‘s account last Saturday (22 Jul) and read, “I publicly announce here for the first time, me and my beloved wife Shirley will disown our daughter @JocelynChia from here onwards till the day of our death.

He expressed that her actions showcase his failure in raising her to be a better person for society and that the public deserves better.

Netizens remain skeptical about the authenticity

Despite the statement, netizens remain unconvinced and skeptical about the authenticity of the account, refusing to believe that it belongs to the comedian’s father.

A Twitter user wrote: ” It’s my 1st time seeing parents publicly disown their daughter.”

In addition, some Twitter users showed understanding and empathy towards “Anthony,” recognizing the immense difficulty he must have faced in disowning his daughter.

They acknowledge that parenting can be challenging, and despite a parent’s best efforts, children ultimately make their own choices and become the individuals they are today.

Jocelyn Chia’s response

Meanwhile, Jocelyn Chia herself responded to the account, labeling it as ‘fake’, but she did not provide any additional clarification regarding her parents’ stance on her comedian career.

In her most recent tweet on Wednesday (26 Jul), the New York-based stand-up comedian wrote, “‘lol these m’sians damn funny lah. Twitterers pls report the account @achiawhyeliang for fake identity. thanks!”

Comedian Chia faces severe criticism for insensitive jokes about MH370 tragedy

In June of this year, Chia made inappropriate jokes in her controversial performance, portraying Malaysia as an ex trying to reconnect with Singapore after the nations’ separation in 1965.

In a particularly distasteful jest, she associated Malaysia’s attempt to ‘visit’ Singapore with the tragic MH370 incident.

Her remarks were met with disapproval by the audience, but she unapologetically responded, “What? Malaysian Airlines going missing is not funny, huh? Some jokes don’t land. This joke kills in Singapore.”

Chia’s insensitivity has drawn heavy criticism from both Malaysians and Singaporeans, many of whom regard her comments as a stark reminder of the ongoing pain of the MH370 tragedy for victims and their families.

Chia defended her joke

Chia mentioned that Malaysian audience members often approach her after shows to express their enjoyment, indicating that they “did not take offense” to her performance.

Singapore High Commissioner distancing Jocelyn Chia as “no longer Singaporean”

On 6 June, Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and the Republic’s High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr Vanu Gopala Menon, also expressed their disapproval of Chia’s comments, emphasizing that she does not represent the views of Singaporeans.

“The Singapore Government does not condone words or actions that cause harm or hurt to others and Chia, who is no longer Singaporean, does not in any way reflect our views.”

On 13 June, it was reported that Malaysia’s Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said an application would be made to Interpol to obtain Chia’s full identity and latest whereabouts.

In an interview with the BBC, she described the authorities’ move to involve Interpol as “overblown” and “ridiculous”. She had also implied that Interpol’s involvement would only make her famous.


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