Former Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin joins Tan Chin Tuan Foundation as consultant
Former Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin, who resigned over an extramarital affair, is now a consultant at the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation. He recently co-hosted a roundtable on elderly care challenges. This role marks his first significant public engagement since leaving politics last July.

Former Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin, who resigned from his political positions due to an extramarital affair scandal, has taken on a new role as a consultant at the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation.
The Tan Chin Tuan Foundation recently announced on its LinkedIn page that Tan Chuan-Jin, along with Vice-Chairman Chew Gek Khim, co-hosted a roundtable discussion on Wednesday, 26 June.
The discussion focused on current challenges and emphasized the importance of tripartite cooperation among government, businesses, and workers to better serve the elderly in Singapore.
Mr Tan was formerly the Minister for Social and Family Development between 2015 and 2017 and the Manpower Minister between 2014 and 2015.
Established in 1976 by the late banker and philanthropist Dr Tan Chin Tuan, the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting sustainable, well-managed initiatives with clear social outcomes.
Since his departure from politics in July last year, following the revelation of his extramarital affair with fellow People’s Action Party Member of Parliament Cheng Li Hui, Tan has kept a low profile and made few public appearances.
In May this year, the Singapore Manufacturing Federation’s Centre for Corporate Learning posted on Facebook about an upcoming leadership masterclass, featuring Tan’s photo and name on the promotional poster.
This led to speculation that Tan would be making a comeback as a course instructor. However, the post was taken down a few days later, sparking questions among netizens about the authenticity of the announcement.
Tan’s involvement with the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation marks his first notable public engagement since his resignation, signalling a possible re-entry into public life through his contributions to charitable causes.

anyone needs a coach on how to exercise with carton box? lol
S p a m
Charity by the rich is not only an insult and humiliation but also literally keeping sand into your faces.
He is irrelevant.
Upcoming GE causes the CORRUPTION CASE of Iswaran TO BE BLOTTED out FULLY from Public Eyes 👀?
This is CLASSIC media CORRUPTION under the Corrupted Politicians.
Whereabouts Iswaran?
No news on his ongoing case – no more ongoing, OUTGOING?
Tan jay
转 过来
进 去了
He didn’t bring his GF with him? Or looking for another bait now?
Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, xSG President is a nephew of late Tan Sri Tan Chin Tuan. Likely muppet, puppet, shit, strings attached, pulled.
Despite it all, … all of the drama, dirty deeds, die~hard “company man”, doing diddly squat for his voters, … he is still able to “re~invent” himself and who knows, … possibly prosper even !!!
SillyPore is indeed, … a velly forgiving place, a place where all of thee above can be deleted and “rebooted” !!!
So, … there is life after all, after pap and infidelities and happily ever after too !!!
Which leads us to, … who wouldn’t want to be and commit all the above, … and still come out, smelling of roses eh !!!
Another papee parasite finally found its “host’.
Hope not another CLH will fall victim to this arrogant and lecherous man TCJ?
What’s kind of human would think seniors collect cardboards as a form of exercise?
With such dubious character? What is Tan Chin Tuan Foundation thinking, sad, very sad indeed.
How come his face look like he just returned from a shipwreck stuck at sea for like over a month?
Dare not even put out his own statement about it. Wanna talk abt turn over what leaves … Just quiet quiet go Tan United Singularity hor since my whole fam mostly Tan … Then Tan Sun to hit others … No?!?
I’m getting TCJ fatigue. I don’t really care what he decides to do in the future, so as long as taxpayer dollars are not involved.
Hope Tan Chuan Jin turned over, have a good shave, become a monk or enter Monkhood. BG Yeo shd have plenty of connections esp in Australia to introduce him to a First Class Monastery.
Edwin Tong has good connections with the Vatican. Tan Chuan Jin has no shortage of options.
He can rope in his GF Cheng too.
Just a trivia knowledge.
Didn’t know late Mr Tan Chin Tuan’s title preceded with Dr.
I knew he was a Tan Sri, thus Datuk Tan Sri Tan Chin Tuan.
Do good and good will come to you.
Blessing Sir
Oh good! Now tan chuan jinx can promote elderly care by sending more old folks to collecting cardboards exercises he used to promote.