While Presidential candidate Ng Kok Song's rendition of the renowned Chinese song "The Moon Represents My Heart" captured the hearts of many, concerns have been raised...
While initially not inclined, former NTUC Income CEO Tan Kin Lian chose to run for president when it became evident George Goh, an "independent" candidate, wouldn't...
In reply to contender Ng Kok Song's concern over close President-PM ties affecting objectivity, Former People's Action Party Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam stressed considering candidates' character...
Son of presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian, Tan Boon Keng, defends his father against a circulated photo controversy. He highlighted distorted posts featuring a "maliciously" angled...
Singapore's sprint sensation, Shanti Pereira, showcased her prowess at the World Athletics Championships with a time of 22.79s in the women's 200m semifinals. Securing the 17th...
In an exclusive interview with Singapore's state media outlet, CNA, Presidential candidate Mr Tharman outlined his intention to extend his principle of "practical idealism" into his...
Presidential candidate Ng Kok Song warns against excessive proximity between the President and Prime Minister, citing challenges in maintaining objective duties. The former GIC chief highlighted...
Former senior diplomat and author, Kishore Mahbubani, becomes the second Singaporean diplomat to endorse Tharman Shanmugaratnam for president. Expressing through LinkedIn, Mahbubani urges Singaporeans to support...
Due to a printer error, more than 4,800 households in Tanjong Pagar GRC received two poll cards for an upcoming Presidential election. The Elections Department apologised...
Tan Su Ling, daughter of Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian, critiques the election system, citing Mr Tharman's advantage from public sector background for elaborate campaign prep....