Internal Security Department to engage migrant workers following extremist sermon incident
Singapore Internal Security Department has shared that it will engage migrant workers after an illegal sermon by Bangladeshi preacher Amir Hamza. Despite his public Facebook post, ISD only learned of his entry after police reports on 12 August, raising concerns about the visa approval process and ISD’s oversight.

SINGAPORE – The Internal Security Department (ISD) has announced a series of engagement sessions aimed at migrant workers following concerns raised over an illegal and extremist sermon conducted by Bangladeshi preacher Amir Hamza earlier this month.
The sessions are part of a broader effort to counter extremist and segregationist ideologies that may have been propagated during the event.
These engagement sessions, which are scheduled to take place in the coming weeks, will focus on sensitizing workers to the dangers posed by extremist teachings.
The ISD, in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and partners like the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), will lead these efforts.
Additional resources, including access to RRG’s Resource and Counselling Centre, will be made available for workers seeking clarifications on religious concepts and for those in need of counselling services.
Delayed Awareness and Oversight in the Sermon Incident
The ISD was only made aware of Amir Hamza’s sermon and his entry into Singapore after concerned individuals filed police reports on 12 August and a Reddit post brought the incident to public attention.
Although the preacher had a history of terrorism-related activities and entered Singapore using a passport under a different name, Amir had publicly announced his impending visit to Singapore on his Facebook page on 8 August 2024. This raises questions about the ISD’s ability to monitor such announcements and prevent entry of individuals posing potential security threats.
Furthermore, Amir’s entry into Singapore, despite being flagged as a known terrorist by the Bangladesh government, highlights potential gaps in the visa approval process.
Bangladeshi nationals require a visa and a local sponsor to enter Singapore, prompting concerns over how his visa was granted without triggering any alerts from the ISD.
Amir conducted the sermon on 9 August at Lantana Lodge, a dormitory in Tuas, where he allegedly labelled non-Muslims as infidels and delivered a politicized message. He left Singapore the following day, prompting an investigation by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) into his activities and the event’s organizers, who had failed to apply for the required police permit for the gathering.
Response and Preventive Measures
Dormitory operator Centurion Corporation, which manages around 35,000 migrant workers, primarily from India and Bangladesh, has reiterated its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.
Bakurdeen Majid, a dormitory manager, told Channel News Asia that all events at Centurion’s dormitories undergo thorough vetting, including religious activities. The operator works closely with relevant religious authorities to ensure that any religious activities are appropriately sanctioned.
In response to the recent incident, Centurion Corporation, which does not manage nor own Lantana Lodge, will enhance its scrutiny of new arrivals and reinforce the existing protocols against mass gatherings without proper authorization.
The operator also ensures that any resident assuming a religious role within the dormitories is vetted by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), particularly during significant religious events like Ramadan and Hari Raya.
Community Reaction
The Singapore Bangladesh Society expressed shock and dismay at the extremist sermon, urging Bangladeshi workers in Singapore to remain cautious and not be swayed by irresponsible speakers.
The society acknowledged that many attendees of the sermon might have been unaware of the potential consequences and emphasized the importance of staying informed and vigilant against extremist influences.

This should not be done. Just don’t keep them all in the same place. Follow HDB’s policy on minority races. If you provoke them on religious ideology, we will pay a heavy price as the region is well aware of the PAP ‘s loyalty to the Zionists and continues to do business with them.
Just pray that this reactive actions by ISD would not bring about unpredictable damaging reactions from those already waken “cells” long planted in SG.It seem that SG may be in troubled waters.ISD must thread very carefully to keep us all safe.
Singapore PAP government are treating the Bangladeshi Muslims as three years old kids and Retarded by educated the Bangladeshi Muslims danger of extremist teaching and prompted tighter scrutiny of religious activities,restricting religious freedom of Bangladeshi Muslims and other Muslims, earned the hatred of Muslims towards Singapore PAP government where the Muslims around the world issues jihad against Singapore PAP government and the Malay Muslims from Malaysia dash over the Causeway Checkpoint and beat up Singaporeans and destroy Singapore public properties
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Don’t play play. Any little wrong move or speech by ISD, those brainwashed workers may riot.
Laoli said before. This group has very strong religious belief than their patriotism towards their own countries.
Now in the Middle East, Israel is feeling the heat.
Bullies always fear the bigger bully.
A huge proportion of migrant workers among the population, some day we will pay the price.
Did they see how the Bangladeshi overthrow their president?
Little India riot was not a good lesson to learn?
When there is an outbreak of riot from the dormitories to the street. How would any riot police task force or special unit going to handle millions of them?
By the time the ISD “engage” these people will be back home. No matter, make sure to keep them out next time.
Now that they are inside Singapore, prosecute them at your own risk. Islamists of today are are well-connected, well-funded and eager to rally against any secular state.
After brains washed, ISD want to rewash their brains.
Looks like a ISD brain transplant also can trash.
Talk about Smart Nation, goodness. Smart Ass.
Plenty of evidence, PAP Administration smart alecs first class bully in SG. Corruption.
If by “engage” the ISD mean finding out WHO organised the event and asking them WHY they invited this preacher (instead of any other less extremist preacher), then by all means invite them to lim kopi with you in a very VERY cold room in the very small hours of the night 🙂
This is a joke, right? The premise and the “problem of dirty hands,” “the difficulty of tidying up the world’s atrocities with hands that can never be washed clean,” seems precious and contrived. And once we’ve seen that the only complicity is the complicity in their own self-delusion, our path ought to become clearer, our lives ought to become simpler, our minds ought to become freer, and at that point, it matters little what they say or do, which is where wisdom begins. That’s honorable of him “to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted”. He shouldn’t be getting… Read more »
What is I ASS DEE going to do?
Show these workers video of life in detention facilities?
Or teach them “orthodox” truth according to Fantasy Island clergy?
Need Ang-Chia to standby or not during engagement sessions?
Wow! Our ISD staff speak their language and lingo. They must be really busy now. Skills future upskilling?
What the ffcckkffss is there to engage, another pulling wool over the eyes of Sopreans on the screw wps by home minter & his underlings,like I have mentioned earlier these scums will pull every trick from their book to to smoke Sinpaoreans & do a houdini,so far only the underlings are wayanging – JUST WAIT for the OPERA to start by the KING BLACK MAMBA!!!!!!
Shit cleaning time and damage control.
Now they fear that these 3rd World religious minded worker could be so swayed by such toxic poison that they are doing damage control to ‘clean’ their minds.
Guess Gurhka battlion and riot police are already all on 24/7 standlby!
Any more cock ups, some one might fear losing his right to stay on in palatial grounds at Ridout Road besides not being fielded in the coming election
This is really going all out to protect one’s backside!!.😆😆😆😆🤣🤣
After pooping then only scrambling to build the jamban😆
Is it time to pay rise the security of SG to get better performance?
As they say in army, grenade exploded already then take cover. Who don’t know must engage the migrant workers now??? Even a 10YO kid can tell us that, why need to have a million$ MHA minister to realize that?
If thats the case
Can we build a Bangladesh mosque
How can this be done in a Dormitories