People’s Action Party ice cream giveaway criticized as election gimmick
Netizens have criticized the free ice cream giveaway by PAP politicians, accusing it of being an election gimmick. Critics argue that if politicians did their jobs effectively, they wouldn’t need such branding efforts to gain support ahead of the general election.

SINGAPORE: Netizens have criticized politicians for distributing free ice cream, claiming the gesture is a tactic to garner support ahead of the upcoming general election.
On Thursday (1 Aug), People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament Low Yen Ling, representing Chua Chu Kang GRC and holding roles as Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, shared a Facebook post about her recent ice cream distribution event at Jalan Remaja.
In her post, Ms Low described the event as a success, stating, “What a fantastic day it was at Jalan Remaja! The ice-cream distribution was a hit, and it was wonderful to see many residents enjoying the delicious ice cream we had prepared.”
Ms Low, who is also Chairperson of the Mayors’ Committee and Mayor of the South West District, expressed her pleasure in meeting residents who volunteered to help.
She added, “During the ice cream distribution, I was heartened to meet a few residents who stepped forward and expressed their intention to volunteer with us. Our team had a blast serving you all, and we’re already looking forward to our next community event.”
Concluding her post, the vice-chairwoman of the PAP Women’s Wing thanked the participants, saying, “Thanks for coming out and making the day so sweet and memorable.”
Critics slam ice cream giveaway as election gimmick
The re-uploaded video of Ms Low’s ice cream handout on the Facebook community page “SG Warehouse Sale & Events” — viewed close to 200k times — drew numerous comments from netizens, with many accusing the event of being a mere election gimmick.
One user questioned the decision to visit a landed property area, suggesting that the residents there could already afford ice cream.
The user suggested they go to the mall or nearby eateries where delivery riders wait for their jobs, engage with them, and distribute free ice cream.
Another user responded, speculating that the politicians wanted to ensure they were giving ice cream to residents who would vote for them, pointing out that delivery riders and workers might not live in that Group Representation Constituency (GRC).
They added, “You don’t really think they are here to do a good deed, do you?”
A different user criticized the choice of location, pointing out that distributing ice cream in high-end estates with bungalows and semi-detached houses seemed misplaced when most citizens live in HDBs.
They challenged the politicians to show courage and love by holding such events in HDB areas, which they called the real reality playground.
Another user observed that politicians only appear in the community when the General Election (GE) is approaching, questioning how often they engage with residents otherwise.
Netizens: No need for branding if politicians do their jobs well
Some netizens argued that if politicians performed their jobs effectively, there would be no need for such branding efforts and giveaways to win votes.
One user suggested that if someone does a good job daily, there’s no need for such gestures.
Another user commented that good deeds don’t need to be associated with a political party, implying that if people genuinely recognized and admired the politicians, they would naturally support them.
This sentiment was echoed by another user who stated that ministers don’t need to brand handouts or giveaways, especially ice cream.
If they fulfill their roles as representatives, that should be enough to retain their elected positions.
Criticism intensifies amid Minister’s sugar reduction efforts
Further criticism emerged as netizens highlighted the contradiction between the ice cream giveaway and the Minister of Health Ong Ye Kung’s stance on sugary treats.
One user questioned the health implications of ice cream, asking, “I thought ice cream was bad for health?”
Another user raised concerns about the inconsistency, noting that while there are taxes on sugary products for “health reasons,” politicians are now promoting more sugar consumption.
Users also pointed out Mr Ong’s previous statements about reducing sugar intake, noting the irony of his colleagues distributing ice cream to garner votes.
They included a screenshot of Mr Ong’s Facebook status from 2021 to reinforce their point.
On 30 March, Mr Ong addressed this issue during an appearance on Kiss92, where he responded to a young listener’s humorous suggestion about ice cream consumption.
Ong remarked that while ice cream with sugar is not advisable from a health perspective, he would approve of it without sugar.
The issue of diabetes is significant in Singapore, with over 400,000 people currently living with the condition and projections suggesting this number could rise to 1 million by 2050, according to CNA.

old folks need bird nests, not ice cream . will we get birdd nest next time? mao san wang also can lah. tsk tsk tsk
Ice cream is good. once eaten, you will forget all your stress and high food prices.tsk tsk tsk
My New MP Ditoh- Sitoh give porridge for many years Win Ok.
On A Serious Note:
30%— Chinese will vote PAP
15 to 18%— Malay will vote PAP
8%— Indian will vote PAP.
Total—53% to 56% PAP win.
Now How To Dismantle This 18% & 8%.
That’s the Question??
Opposition must understand this Important numbers & Get Good Malay Candidates or Indian Muslim also can. After Halimah.
Foolish WP Fuck up with Reasha Khan.
I’m really pissed. I am fed up with the high costs of living, delayed retirement, political double standards, oppressive….
Hey, look! Ice-cream! Yay!
Desperate time needed most desperate way to try to win votes. But people have eyes wide open to see the tricks.
Remember someone in White offered porridge at a SMC is that guy still giving porridge after he won securely?
You cant buy my vote with icecream🤣
Must be the most Expensive ice-cream one ever had. In term of proportion of labour cost to this ice-cream business, the labour cost is 99% of overall cost.
Yes indeed, labour cost is the most expensive cost in business. But there are plenty suckers decided to pay the talented in each GE.
No bad a deal hor…give away at most a few hundred dollars of ice cream….get to keep Mayor job for the next 5 yrs at $750,000 PER YEAR AND ANOTHER $19,600 per mth with bonus not included yet!
Who don’t want to …..wayang?😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆
we have pineapple lovers, now we have ice cream lovers. tsk tsk tsk
Wow! 600k mayonnaise becomes ice cream lady for one day.
I just don’t know what to say!
Downgraded from giving out chicken rice to ice cream, they are certainly very wary of Free Riders now. Or economy is really not so good? Less give-outs of national flags for residents to hang too this year.
Hmm, why only in Seng Kang GRC? So if Singaporeans want freebies from the ruling government, they should vote opposition and turn their constituency into an opposition constituency? People in opposition constituencies get the best of both worlds. 1) Responsive, open and present members of parliament that they can meet in person without much hassle. 2) Freebies from the ruling government who wish to woo them back to their side. 3) Responsible and cost-effective management of their estates (Since opposition wards get less funding but are still better maintained overall). Why would anyone vote for the incumbents anyway? You get… Read more »
pAp is doing this because they know they did not do well for the last 2 generations.
But then again, should your votes be swayed even if they give you Cellato’s Byakuya ice cream?
What funds this spending?
This is a question only.
If tax money, Opposition MP should have this funding too.
One ice-cream and she takes a photo with you. Only shows she has no clue as to what the residents are facing. Another PR stunt like VB distributing food for the Palestinians.
How low can they go?