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Launch of beverage container return scheme delayed to April 2026

Consumers will pay a refundable 10-cent deposit for bottled and canned drinks from 1 April 2026, a year later than planned. The scheme, managed by BCRS Ltd, aims for an 80% return rate by 2029.



SINGAPORE: Consumers will have to pay a refundable 10-cent deposit for bottled and canned drinks from 1 April 2026, a year later than originally planned.

The delay, requested by beverage producers who needed more time to adjust to the changes, was announced by the National Environment Agency (NEA) on 31 July.

First announced in September 2022, the beverage container return scheme will require consumers to pay an extra 10 cents for bottled and canned drinks, with a full refund available upon returning the empty containers at designated return points. The scheme will cover all plastic bottles and metal cans ranging from 150ml to 3 litres and will run for seven years, from 1 April 2026 to 31 March 2033, aligning with the licensing validity period.

More than 1,000 return points will be established at supermarkets and other communal areas to facilitate a higher rate of return and boost recycling efforts.

NEA aims to achieve an 80 per cent return rate by 2029, the third year of the scheme, meaning that around 800 million of the estimated one billion beverage containers released into the market annually will be returned for recycling.

During a fireside chat at the Singapore Institute of Directors’ inaugural Climate Governance Singapore Forum on 31 July, Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment, said, “We hope that it will also help to foster a culture of recycling among the public, divert these actually very valuable recyclable materials away from the incineration plant and our landfills.”

The scheme will be overseen by Beverage Container Return Scheme Ltd (BCRS Ltd), a not-for-profit company formed by a consortium of beverage producers, including Coca-Cola Singapore Beverages, F&N Foods, and Pokka.

BCRS Ltd, which received its licence to operate from NEA on 29 July, will be responsible for collecting, sorting, and recycling beverage containers, setting up return points, and ensuring that stakeholder fees are fair and transparent. The company will also provide the start-up capital for the scheme’s operations and maintain sufficient reserves for its continued functioning.

To ensure fair representation, at least two board members of BCRS Ltd will represent the interests of smaller beverage producers, as required by law. BCRS Ltd will act on behalf of all participating beverage producers in Singapore.

The launch was postponed to give beverage producers and retailers more time to design and implement the scheme smoothly. The consortium’s delayed proposal submission also contributed to the postponement.

While the scheme takes effect on 1 April 2026, a transition period until 30 June 2026 will allow the industry to clear older stocks, which are not eligible for refunds. By 1 July 2026, all beverage containers must be labelled with the deposit mark and carry a 10-cent deposit.

To raise awareness of the scheme, NEA and BCRS Ltd will organise outreach programmes and launch a website with information about return point locations and educational events.

“Our climate action efforts include promoting low-carbon solutions, reducing our waste generation through initiatives such as the disposable carrier bag charge,” Dr Khor, who is also Senior Minister of State for Transport, wrote in a Facebook post on 31 July.

“Every effort counts when it comes to climate action. So let’s do our part to continue building a clean and sustainable home for generations to come.”

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job creations for old aunties and uncles. tsk tsk tsk. well done Sinkapore.

They will mandate that the returned bottles MUST BE SUPER RINSED AND CLEAN or no refunds. So we must use more water, yet the same useless minister has been telling us to use less water. See how stupid these million$ stars are – they only consider their own KPIs, how we are impacted she really fuxk care.

don;t worry. many old aunties and old uncles will be collecting carton boxes and bottles , just for exercise. tsk tsk tsk. what do you think?

We’ll be noticing more uncles and aunties , maybe even some foreigners, rummaging thro dustbins and recycle bins to collect these items..
Theyll be unconsciouly helping the lazy useless ministry responsible to keep our streets and housing area “cleaner”..
Now i see many plastic bottles just thrown under bushes or drains ..

My child hood friend used to eat a lot of eggs everyday. he farts alot. and fart stinks. really.not kidding you.

On hindsight, is this for local old folks (or samsui woman) to make a living. Esp. many China chinese or Malaysian across the border to help clean up Singapore streets from cans and bottles and make some earnings?

BEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN SCHEME (BCRS) LTD. Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 202425911R issued by Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority BEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN SCHEME (BCRS) LTD. (the “Entity”) is a Public Company Limited by Guarantee, incorporated in Singapore . The address of the Entity’s registered office is at the MARINA ONE WEST TOWER building. The Entity current operating status is live. This Entity’s principal activity is collection of waste. Corporate Profile of BEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN SCHEME (BCRS) LTD. UEN202425911R Entity NameBEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN SCHEME (BCRS) LTD. Operating StatusLive Company as on 30 June 2024 (Sunday) Registration Type PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED… Read more »

BCRS Ltd not for profit?
How about publishing its yearly financial reports on the internet? Transparency mah.

You won’t.

I will be interested to know who will be the CEO and its board of directors, including upper management team.

I am always curious, where did the Extra 10c charges collected goes to?

If SG consumes 6 million can or bottled drinks a day, it will be some where 2.2 billion a year multiply by 10c will be almost $220 million collected.

7 years = $220 million X 7 = $1.5 billion

The figure is just ‘consuming’, including stocking, it $1.5 billion will be multiplied a few more times.

Who makes the $$$ using environment as reason/excuse?

More than 1,000 return points will be established at supermarkets and other communal areas to facilitate a higher rate of return and boost recycling efforts.

Who’s going to pay to build the 1,000+ return points?
Who’s going to maintain the 1,000+ return points?
Who’s going to operate the 1,000+ return points?
Who’s going to pay the salaries of the operators?

It surely will drive the beverage prices upwards.
Of course the MILLIONAIRE mini stars would not feel it

Don;t you think its troublesome? What happens to AI (Artificial Inteligence) ?

OMG she’s got a face fit for radio programs.

Anything come from aunty khor must be money related and she seem satisfied with her works all along….lol.
Instead of rewarding people to recycle and to go greener, she chose to penalize the people.
First was the return-tray. Then it was the chargeable plastic bags. Soon it will be chargeable plastic bottles and metal cans.
This act should be considered as indirect profiting by the businesses in cahoot with this white termite colony.

She seems so pleased with herself🙄

Can’t even sustain our natural birthrate, must resort to the easy and lazy way of importing population. It is easy to identity useless leaders when all they know is to throw money at problems, pray-pray the problems will go away.

wow! so i pay 10 cents first and get my refund later ? Luckily i dont buy can or bottles drinks. tsk tsk tsk

Drinking plain water is still the best. Thanks !

Last edited 6 months ago by john lim

Famous eggs eater during covid. What do you think?. tsk tsk tsk

Last edited 6 months ago by john lim

Another “smart” idea by our “smart” ministar. LOL LOL

If I am not buying anything can i just bring back the bottles and cans to get my 10 cents refund?

You will see people, strangers, foreign talents going to dustbins and recycle bins picking up empty bottles and cans . Thereafter queuing up to get 10 cents refund? What do you think?

Remember a western media uncovered recently big fraud, donated used shoes in SG were found to be sold in Indonesia.

How to trust all these initiatives when there’s no strict set up for the whole entire process, just tokenism to paint SG in good light, hahaha.

This looks more like a ‘for profit’ than a ‘not-for-profit’ company.
1 billion beverage containers (at 10 cents a piece) translate to collecting $100 million.
If they can target 20% not being returned, it is an annual profit of $20 million.
Then the company will recycle the containers and further general profit from it.
Now, is it not-for-profit or for-profit? Hopefully there is a P&L available to the public.

Where is the Grand SG’s strategic Road map outlined by PAP Administration for environmental sustainability? A workable one, an achieveable one – NOT ONE full of wordy rhetoric or one, tirade of motherhoods?

Has anyone seen a solid one from these BUNCH of OBSCENELY rich bastards? One that’s galvanised Sheeps to act, motivated to act. Just by giving back citizens money to buy light bulbs, for eg. is considered too amateurish, right?

In itself, these law makers UNDESERVED MEGA salaries IS ALREADY UNSUSTAINABLE.

Please lah, … stop abusing and overusing the word, “environment” !!!

SillyPore, … with the highest car and air~con usage per capita !!!

What then, with a shrinking can population, … for the dear uncles and aunties to collect, as their means and source of “income” disappear !!!

Let’s see how diligent people are, … after the novelty to protect the environment wears off, along with the task of collecting, retaining and traipsing off to collection points, … with its wait and usual parking issues !!!

Just hope the refund can be done via PAYNOW, not collect the bottles and they give us a receipt to collect cash 30 days later, minister please look into this.

Also don’t put any minimum bottles to return before refund can be given citing logistic issues. One might just want to drink on the spot and get refunded 10 cents. You got almost 2 years to plan, So plan properly, don’t screw up like another the recent oil slick scenario on our beaches.

The current caliber of the pap ranks indeed. Million$ minister, yet can’t get a return bottle/container project off. And she’s still clueless why tables are stained and dirty after her mandatory return try policy. Product of her ex-bo liao boss.

Thanks to her …
Many will become importer of beverage containers!

In many spheres of commerce, economics by and large, there are laws such as mis pricing, predatorial price practices, similar to over charging linked to mis selling especially.

In Singapore, is this PAP Administration guilty of all these political services to Sheegaporean’s pricing-good/services delivery malpractices, illogical value appraisals of own capabilities?

Smart Nation. Unique.

Can we also have a refundable plastic bag scheme? I bring plastic bag to supermarket, they pay me 5 cents per bag?

Not sure every recycle bin down below flats for what purpose .

Can all shift to the said premises

Like garang guni .


So…another jobs program for the ruling government and their cronies?

That extra 2% GST money is being spent away, soon, money no enough will be happening again.

If the 70% Cotton Sheep vote for Pineapples in GE 2024 / 2025. You can expect 10% GST in 2026 too. Then you will only be able to afford Pineapples.

Is this type of projects all that these mil$ ministars can keep churning out?
School kids can come up with much better ideas.

O please … There is one at the SK Sport but always full or not working … If ppl waiting for the 10cents to survive … Die liao …

Tokenism also can’t arrange properly to take off. Mediocrity is the order but lavishly twisted to sell as million dollars champagne 🥂.

Another one useless project by these CLB MPees,Mayors & asss lickers,hanger ons!

Why her eyes so big?
